Season's Readings: Winter

Summer shines, Spring blossoms, Winter glistens and Autumn crunches. Seasons affect our lives constantly. As part of Nori’s Book Blogger Creativity Project #BBCreativityProject, the Hot Pink Team are celebrating and honouring the seasons with some special book posts over the next month.
We have all worked really hard and hope you enjoy what we have created.

I see the time has finally arrived for me to talk about the season of winter. For me, winter is more of the time of year where I would prefer to hibernate until warmer weather returns, so, it has taken me some time to even put together something that works for me on the topic of winter. With that in mind, I decided to go with the one series that I cannot go without reading every December because my winter would not be complete without journeying into the book's world and following the characters through all the perilous adventures that they face. As well as the fact that I will take any and every chance to bend an ear when it comes to this series of my heart.

So, what is the one series that I cannot face winter without reading, well, my dear readers that would have to be The Chronicles of Narnia. Even though I always feel bereft at the end when it comes to saying goodbye to the world and characters (and have been know to wonder the house muttering "Narnia"), I cannot keep myself away from this series. I love it in a way that is, to my sisters at least, unfathomable. It makes me laugh. It makes me tear up. Hey, it even makes it nearly impossible to contemplate starting another title because of the infamous book hangover that befalls me (EVERY SINGLE TIME)!!

There is not a single time that I have walked away from a re-read of The Chronicles of Narnia without coming away with a new perspective on it. Each time I enter the world of Narnia there's something buried within the text that is waiting to be discovered. And the character development and how they, okay, mainly Edmund, changes throughout the book, now that is something that always hits me hard. I just love seeing him change and how he has to learn to forgive himself for the things he did and to move forward. I'm terribly sorry, okay not really, but y'all are going to get all my Narnia feels in this post. I could talk to you from here to next year about the great things hidden within this book. From theology and the overall magic that is C.S. Lewis's wonderful, wonderful book.

If you ask, I will be more than willing to talk more about this book and the underlying story. All you need to do is ask; or, if there's a question you have about the series (or maybe something that you didn't understand about how it ended), I'm always up for clearing things up.

Seriously though, there is nothing better than getting lost in The Chronicles of Narnia, especially the books that have the Pevensies', while being snuggled up in a blanket with a hot cup 'o tea to make winter feel a little bit distant...well, once you get past the White Queen's icy reign of terror that is. Since you have so bravely endured my feel-sy post on one of my absolute favorite series-EVER- I'm going to share with you some books I'm excited to tackle during the upcoming winter.
and of course................

So, tell me, what books do you like to get lost in during winter? Any books that you are hoping to cross off your TBR during the frigid months ahead? TELL ME!!*waits patiently to add for books to her ever growing TBR*

For now, I shall leave you with a quote from the dedication of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe-
But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


  1. Yes! The Lunar Chronicles! I love those books. I haven't read any of the others but I'm definitely intrigued! ;)

    1. I still need to read Cress and Winter (and Fairest). Slowly I'm catching up on the Lunar Chronicles; such a fun series!!!

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Debbie. =)

  2. Hi!! I was part of the Hot Pink Team in Nori's Blogger Creativity Project, too. Sorry it's taken me so long to visit your post.
    Orchid, I love this post! I vaguely remember reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe when I was in middle school maybe, but I didn't continue the series (definitely didn't know there were seven books until today! O.O). I would love to get lost in this world. Maybe this will be a series I can read happily this year knowing I won't have to wait for another book! :)

    1. Thank you!! I had the hardest time deciding what to post about for it, so, I went with something a deeply love!! =)

      If it makes you feel better, you're not the only person who has told me that they've only read one or two books from The Chronicles of Narnia. I really hope you'll finish the series and that you will love it, too!!!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!! =)


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