Review: Our One Great Act of Fidelity
Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist by Ronald Rolheiser, March 3, 2015 (originally published June 14, 2011). 144 pages. Published by Image: Source: Blogging for Books.
Our One Great Act of Fidelity is the second (the first being Sacred Fire) book that I have read by Ronald Rolheiser, and, I must say that I have, again, found myself enjoy not only his writing style but what he has to say.
For being such a small, thin book Our One Great Act of Fidelity packs a punch (not literally, its just packed full of information). One of the reasons I found myself unable to take my time reading this one was that his thoughts on the Eucharist grabbed me from the beginning and left me needing to know every last bit of his thoughts on it. Has it changed my thoughts, on not only partaking of holy Eucharist but in how I treat life, well, I'd like to think so but I guess we'll have to wait and see how things unfold.
One of the things that made this an interesting read was his discussion on giving vs taking. I found it interesting, and insightful, on his thoughts on why should be more open to receiving a gift, like that of life that the Lord gave us, versus taking what we presume to be our just rewards. I know I'm going to muddle this all up so bear with me. I found it interesting because it forces one, at least it did with me, to reevaluate one's perspective on how they see and receive whatever life throws your way. I'm pretty sure this is about as far as my brain can coherently discuss this portion of the book.
Back to the main focus of the book, that of the Eucharist... Well, I had many points that I wanted to discuss on the merits of what Ronald Rolheiser said about the Eucharist but I seem to have lost all ability to discuss this. But, I liked how well he brought to light the different aspects of receiving Eucharist and how it is supposed to change us as we receive Jesus. I know it can be a difficult thing to understand how Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, as well, as everything we Catholics believe about it, I myself am still learning each day about it, yet is something that I am thankful for being able to partake of.
Okay, I'm winding down on the rambling. So, finally I want to talk about the writing. In the two books I've read by Ronald Rolheiser I have found myself enjoying the easy way he writes about important topics. His writing is very, very readable even given what Our One Great Act of Fidelity is about.
Final Verdict: Our One Great Act of Fidelity- An excellent book that talks about the importance of the Eucharist from different aspects.
Our One Great Act of Fidelity earns
this book was received through Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
More so than anything else, the Eucharist is what anchors many peoples' life, prayer, and ultimately the way they live their lives. In this deeply personal book, Father Ronald Rolheiser delves into the history and meaning of this sacred tradition, drawing upon the insights of various scripture scholars, theologians, and church teachings. With personal warmth and great insight, he reflects on his own particular Roman Catholic upbringing and the centrality that the Eucharist has within that tradition. At the same time, he looks at other denominations’ traditions around the Eucharist. Our One Great Act of Fidelity is an investigation into the ways people secure their faith and belief and discover true intimacy with God and each other. Ultimately, however, it is a spiritual and a personal statement of how Ronald Rolheiser understands the Eucharist and why he celebrates it every day.
Our One Great Act of Fidelity is the second (the first being Sacred Fire) book that I have read by Ronald Rolheiser, and, I must say that I have, again, found myself enjoy not only his writing style but what he has to say.
For being such a small, thin book Our One Great Act of Fidelity packs a punch (not literally, its just packed full of information). One of the reasons I found myself unable to take my time reading this one was that his thoughts on the Eucharist grabbed me from the beginning and left me needing to know every last bit of his thoughts on it. Has it changed my thoughts, on not only partaking of holy Eucharist but in how I treat life, well, I'd like to think so but I guess we'll have to wait and see how things unfold.
One of the things that made this an interesting read was his discussion on giving vs taking. I found it interesting, and insightful, on his thoughts on why should be more open to receiving a gift, like that of life that the Lord gave us, versus taking what we presume to be our just rewards. I know I'm going to muddle this all up so bear with me. I found it interesting because it forces one, at least it did with me, to reevaluate one's perspective on how they see and receive whatever life throws your way. I'm pretty sure this is about as far as my brain can coherently discuss this portion of the book.
Back to the main focus of the book, that of the Eucharist... Well, I had many points that I wanted to discuss on the merits of what Ronald Rolheiser said about the Eucharist but I seem to have lost all ability to discuss this. But, I liked how well he brought to light the different aspects of receiving Eucharist and how it is supposed to change us as we receive Jesus. I know it can be a difficult thing to understand how Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, as well, as everything we Catholics believe about it, I myself am still learning each day about it, yet is something that I am thankful for being able to partake of.
Okay, I'm winding down on the rambling. So, finally I want to talk about the writing. In the two books I've read by Ronald Rolheiser I have found myself enjoying the easy way he writes about important topics. His writing is very, very readable even given what Our One Great Act of Fidelity is about.
Final Verdict: Our One Great Act of Fidelity- An excellent book that talks about the importance of the Eucharist from different aspects.
Our One Great Act of Fidelity earns
this book was received through Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
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