Seven Moon Circus

Seven Moon Circus by Randy Morrison, August 1, 2013. 318 pages. Published by Ringleader Books. Source: Author.
The Adventures of a Wild Boy in a Space Traveling Circus. The Wild Boy has no idea what a human may be . . . much less that he is one. But then a family of animal experts from a space traveling circus spots him from their hot air balloon. When they land in the Cloud Forest to investigate, he drops from his home in the trees and befriends them. Soon he must choose between the only life he's ever known--living with wild animals--and his only chance to live with his own kind. His fateful decision draws him into a human world of circus freaks, daring stunts, space ship adventures and . . . the battle for power over all of Empire Luna.
First Sentence:
The lunar governor unfastened the miniature dagger from her necklace.  
Seven Moon Circus, while it had a couple rough points (i.e. my thoughts on the ending and the antagonist) was a really interesting read.

A space traveling circus, now just ponder that combo for a moment... Okay, now that you've had time to get used to that idea, here's another...they aren't the only space travelling circus.
While there were a couple inconsistencies, mainly with the way Marz the Wild Boy spoke and thought, Randy Morrison's writing was really good. I enjoyed the way he wove together the plot to overthrow King Donovan, as well, as the Hawkin's family role in trying to thwart it. He definitely created an interesting and unique setting with his sci-fi fantasy following a space travelling circus and their rescue of the wild boy Marz. The uniqueness of the story-line paired with good writing was enough to keep me in for the long-haul.

Easily one of my favorite things about this book would have to be to the world and the way the author wove in a little historical data. While I really thought the world was interesting, I would have liked to have seen why the first settlers of New Roma had left the earth that we know. It also would have been nice, at least for me knowledge, to know how it was possible for them to live on these moons/planets. So, even though there were questions that arose while I was reading Seven Moon Circus about the world and its rules, I really enjoyed reading about the world the author created in his book.

While I really enjoyed most of the first trilogy featured in Seven Moon Circus, I was not too sold on the ending since it felt a little too convenient to be plausible. What really bothered me about the ending would have to be that it seemed way to easy for Elizabelle to have convinced the king, family friend or not, that what she had to say about the accused was true.
  The final reason that this otherwise interesting and fun read does not get five pineapples is the antagonist, Proco. I've personally never been a fan of a distant antagonist, and most especially one who operates solely through cohorts when it comes to getting the dirty work done. For me as a reader, the antagonist, who is trying usurp King Donovan, would have been more convincing if he had played a more relevant role and hadn't been such a shadow, sideline character.  

Final Verdict: An odd cast of circus performers, a fascinating world and good writing make Seven Moon Circus an interesting read for readers transitioning from middle grade to young adult.

Seven Moon circus earns 4 out of 5 pineapples.

Seven Moon Circus was received for an honest review.


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