Reading Cram Read-a-Thon
I know, I just finished one read-a-thon, but you know that December is the perfect and last opportunity to get in some extra reading. Besides, there are quite a few books I would like to (hopefully) get read before the years out and maybe this will be the motivation to get the read.
The Reading Cram read-a-thon is hosted by Dana (DanaSquare) and Jenny (Juliababyjen's Reading Room) and tuns from December 9-22.
I'll post either a picture or list of books tomorrow since I still need to find/figure out what I hope to read during the readathon.
You can still join in on the end of year Reading Cram read-a-thon fun.
TBR Challenge (from Juliababyjen's Reading Room):
Those are the books I hope to get read over the next few days.
Good luck on your goals! Thanks for joining in the fun!