Outside the Book (2)

If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know that there are a lot of non-bookish things that I'm interested in. I thought it would be refreshing to share something I do Outside of the Book. Don't be shy, tell me what non-bookish things you're into as well!!

It has been a long time since I last posted! It hasn't been for lack of trying though...frankly, I just have not been able to find the words to discuss the books I've been reading; well, that and I haven't had as much time to devote to my blog of late.


BUT! Yes, but, after participating in #AgathaAugust  hosted by the lovely The Bookish Land, I have been thinking more and more about making some time (not sure where that time will come from yet though) to publish a couple posts now-and-again. At least with more frequency than the past few months. No, I'm not promising a post every day. If I'm honest, not even probably every other day. I'll just be posting with the mood, or should I say inspiration, strikes me.


It has been total bliss to read nothing but Agatha Christie novels all month! I spent time revisiting old favorites and discovering the beauty of her novels that have gone unread on my shelf. Poirot, Marple, as well as Tommy and Tuppence, ah! What joy!!

While I could bore you to tears gushing about her books, I'll save that for another post another day.

Oh! Let's not forget the two versions of Murder on the Orient Express that I watched. While I loved the cinematic visuals of the 2017 version, it was the 1974 version that really captured the story the best. There were fewer liberties taken with the script; or should I say, the end was less ambiguous in the way it played out.


The ending of MotOE (2017) was very bad. If you get the chance, watch both versions back-to-back, it will do a better job of showing why the 1974 versions, in my opinion, is much more in line with the way Hercule Poirot would have (and did in the book) reach the conclusion of the mystery and the way and reason he dealt with it the way he did.

There's a great moral contrast between the two movies and the time period that they were both filmed. Yes, the story still takes place in the same era as the book, but the way that evil and justice are perceived in the two films is drastically different (and not in a good way).

Tell me: 
what have you been reading lately? Also, how has your summer been?


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