An Old friend of the Family

Series: The Dracula Series
Number of Pages: 247
First Publication: 1979
Genre: Horror
Synopsis: "The Southerland family left the old world to start anew in America, but little did they know that a blood-feud, older than history itself, would follow them through the generations to come. Kate Southerland, the first born of the latest generation of Southerlands, has been murdered, but she is not dead. Her little brother, Johnny, has also vanished, a severed, bloody finger the only clue. But the Southerlands have no clue what they've fallen into. Their enemy is no mortal madman, but the undying mistress of evil enchantment, Morgan Le Fay, and the Southerlands are not her true target. She seeks to do battle with their protector, their defender, the only man who is capable of saving this mortal family from a war they've never realized was waged."

I was a little over half done with An Old Friend of the Family when I found out that a couple of the pages were blank and I almost panicked. Because I was afraid I'd miss some vital part of the book, but luckily I didn't miss anything too important. An Old Friend of the Family was actually one of the better older (publication wise) vampire books I have read in a while. It was fairly fast paced and the story was really interesting, but it took a couple of chapters to really get going.
  I thought the whole storyline of Dracula being the protector of some old family to be a different twist. Which gave the story a little more depth. All in all, it’s definitely a worthwhile read for vampire lovers.
   I cannot think of anything else to say about the book, so I’m just going to end my review here.

Rating, 3 out of 5 pineapples.
Dame Orchid


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